Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Update from Haiti

12 miles out from where this picture is taken there is an island of people in great need. I think I'll go out and see...

Sorry for my delay in posting. Until tonight I've not had internet access. This trip has been difficult but good. Difficult because of travel delays and hitches. Good because my sister Kathy is with me (her first trip to Haiti with her big bro). Difficult because it is ungodly hot (9:30 PM and 92 degrees). Good because important pieces of the child feeding program are falling into place. Difficult because I miss my wife, kids, and grandbaby (Sophie, 7 months old, apple of grandpa's eye). Good because it is good for me to leave comfort and ease for a bit and be reminded that comfort and ease are not really what life's all about.

After a day on Haiti's mainland, we journeyed the 12 miles out to La Gonave (calm seas, blistering sun), getting here mid afternoon today. I squeezed in a brief meeting with the schoolmaster of the school whose 1,000 children we hope to feed this upcoming school year. I will spend most of the morning at the school tomorrow (visiting many of the classrooms and exploring the school buildings and grounds). I'll post some pictures. After lunch I'll head over to the hospital.

I received news just today that the xray you all helped me raise money for will be flown from Fort Pierce, Florida to Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Please pray for a quick (and inexpensive!) customs process. We are arranging to have xray tech personnel fly down to inservice the staff and give a refresher (continuing education) course on xray positioning techniques, etc.

The hospital remains a very difficult situation, but I am excited that very good things are happening, the most major being that an organization in Scotland has raised the funds necessary to replace (raze and re-build!) the condemned building.

More tomorrow.

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