Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tarp Project Status

A quick update....

I have arranged for online donations. See upper right of this page.

Next Thursday, March 18th we will take as many tarps as our 10 day fundraising can afford down to Fort Pierce, Florida, where over the next two days they will be transported by cargo plane to a holding area at the Port-au-Prince airport. Early the next week (two weeks from right now) these tarps will be distributed and will, in their humble but effective way, improve the lives of a couple thousand displaced people, living on a hillside in Haiti. Keep giving... your gifts will translate almost immediately into dryer shelter for these people. Thanks.
Received so far: $2,210


Anonymous said...

It takes about 10 minutes to set up a paypal donate account. You should do it. Good luck.

Steve said...

You're right. Thanks. Learn as you go I guess.

Mark B. said...

This is going to seem cheap, but people I am forwarding this to want to know if the online donations are tax deductible.

Steve said...

That's a reasonable question, Mark. What is not widely known is that I have set up a non-profit organization (STARFYSH) and our 501(c)3 status is pending. But once we receive that from the IRS, all donations are deductible retroactive to the date we organized. So the answer is a provisional yes, people should be able to deduct it on their 2010 tax return. STARFYSH is making rapid progress in getting to the point where we can make the big public announcement (i.e. website, solicitations licenses, literature, programs development, etc.) but we're probably a week or two away from that. Stay tuned.

Unknown said...

Are you working at all with World Hope? Just wondered? I'm excited to be able to help in even a small way. Together we can make a difference. God bless you and your efforts!

Steve said...

Thanks Bonnie. No I'm not working with World Hope. But I have in the past. In fact, I was involved with one of World Hope's very first projects back in the mid 1990's, overseeing a project to provide xray capabilities for a mission hospital on the island of LaGonave, in Haiti.